It is a myth that only wise people get their wisdom teeth . The term ‘Wisdom Teeth’ is because this third and final set of molars appears between the age of 18 and 23, when a person is supposed to be older and wiser . An adult person usually has 4 wisdom teeth. These teeth are a treasure if properly aligned and healthy, however, most of the times it’s not the case. Wisdom teeth usually appear mal aligned and and may need a dentist to extract them.
There are many problems that you may face during the eruption of your wisdom teeth. Just get in touch with your dentist at Seaholme Dental Surgery Altona and they will guide you as to what needs to be done with them. Get advice from your family dentist in Altona, for all the dental problems and get regular check-ups and consults for any problems with your wisdom teeth.
It is a myth that only wise people get their wisdom teeth . The term ‘Wisdom Teeth’ is because this third and final set of molars appears between the age of 18 and 23, when a person is supposed to be older and wiser . An adult person usually has 4 wisdom teeth. These teeth are a treasure if properly aligned and healthy, however, most of the times it’s not the case. Wisdom teeth usually appear mal aligned and and may need a dentist to extract them.
Common problems caused by impacted wisdom teeth:
Pain: Stiff jaw, swelling and pain are some common symptoms.
Gum infections: This can be caused if the wisdom tooth breaks through the gum line. The bacteria can infect this area, causing swelling and pericoronitis.
Cyst: An impacted tooth can result in a cyst, which can damage the roots of neighboring teeth and weaken the bone in the area.
Tooth decay: The third molars are very difficult for reach with a brush or floss, so impacted wisdom tooth can accumulates food particleswhich can cause tooth decay, leading to severe pain and infection .
In case of any of the above symptoms , get in touch with Seaholme Dental surgery in Altona and get the best advise and treatment for your impacted wisdom teeth and keep your teeth healthy and you smiling always.